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How to help your pharmacy help you

Ask Your Pharmacist - Dr. Kevin McLaughlin

Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have been on the front line of health care throughout the pandemic, and while they are happy to be able to care for their communities, like many other health care practitioners they are also experiencing strain. 

Our priority has always been delivering safe and effective medication therapy and patient care. New Brunswick pharmacists are proud to be able to assess and prescribe for numerous minor ailments, including urinary tract infections, and to renew prescriptions in certain circumstances. We understand that this is a benefit to you the patient, and that it relieves stress on our strained emergency rooms. At the same time, these added responsibilities require us to think differently about our workflow. 

As with many things, the COVID-19 pandemic has made existing pressures in the pharmacy more obvious. Pharmacy teams have administered the majority of COVID-19 immunizations, in addition to providing immunizations against influenza, shingles, pneumococcal disease, and more. Pharmacists also gained the ability to assess and prescribe antiviral therapy (i.e. Paxlovid) for patients with COVID-19. 

Unfortunately, 9 out of 10 pharmacy staff are at or near burnout, according to a mental health and wellness survey of Canadian pharmacy professionals conducted by Abacus Data in May.

Only one in five pharmacy professionals consider their mental health good or very good, and 75 per cent of those surveyed have considered leaving the profession completely. The three major causes of stress identified by those surveyed include: pandemic stress, an increase in harassment, and staffing challenges.

With these pressures at the pharmacy in mind, there are some things you can do to help us help you.

Allow sufficient time to have your prescription filled. 

  • It is reasonable to expect to wait an hour for your prescription to be prepared, and longer if there are multiple medications. Recently, the New Brunswick College of Pharmacists improved its standards of practice for compounding medications. In most cases, prescriptions for many creams, ointments, and other compounded medications require a minimum of 24 hours to prepare. While it is no longer reasonable to expect a 10-minute wait time, we know you have better things to do than stand around. Ask your pharmacy to send a text message or phone call when your prescription is ready for pickup.
  • Of course, we will always prioritize the medications you urgently need. Examples include antibiotics and new medication therapy. Most medications we prepare are for chronic and stable medical conditions, not new prescriptions. 

Plan ahead.

  • Ask to be signed up for automatic prescription refills for your regular medications. Do not wait until you are out of medications to come in for your refill.
  • Whenever possible, make an appointment. Whether to sit down for a comprehensive medication review or get a flu shot, scheduling in advance will make the best use of our time and yours.

Be kind.

The most important thing you can do is be kind and patient with your pharmacy staff. We know that you often come into the pharmacy when you are sick, tired, or worried, but please treat us with respect. We will be there for you during those times, and we will continue to care for you at community pharmacies across New Brunswick. 


Dr. Kevin McLaughlin (PharmD, BScPharm, BSc, ACPR) practices at Kennebecasis Drugs, in Rothesay N.B. His opinions expressed in this column are published for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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