VEUILLEZ NOTER : Les offres d'emploi sont soumises et pourraient ne pas être disponibles dans les deux langues officielles. L'APNB n'est pas responsable du contenu des offres d'emploi.
Jean Coutu Fredericton is one of the largest pharmacy practices in the Fredericton, River Valley region. Well staffed for both pharmacists, certified technicians, and assistants, along with significant amount of automation, the pharmacy offers a great team environment to work in. While pay and benefits are very competitive, quality of life is a priority with 1 in 4 weekends, and reasonable operating hours. Expect significant overlap, tremendous support, and a cutting edge practice.
Store hours: Monday to Friday 9am-8pm, Sat-Sun 10am-6pm
Qualifications: Bachelor of Pharmacy degree and pharmacist license with the NBCP
To apply please email Alistair Bursey at or reach out to 506-471-3573.
Application Date: February 25, 2025 to May 25, 2025